what is dark feminine energy

True Dark Feminine Meaning: Unlock Your Feminine Power.

what is dark feminine energy

The DARK FEMININE meaning we mostly see circulating on the internet does not completely define it accurately. This aspect of femininity is often repressed or suppressed in our society. This is because it does not directly serve the outer world – like that of the LIGHT feminine.

This have caused misconstrued narratives to surround the dark feminine. Some common misconceptions of the dark feminine are:

  • it is a dark aesthetic in a woman’s physical appearance like dark make-up and dark clothing. (even though a woman with her dark feminine energy activated can look like this if she desired to.)
  • It is the embodiment of toxic traits and behaviors in women, or women who display wounded femininity.

While some of these “misconceptions” do have some truth to it, as they are the negative aspects of the dark feminine, it does not fully represent the truth and empowerment of the dark feminine.

Dark Feminine energy, like everything else in this world, has both positive and negative aspects. With the intense focus on the negative aspects of the dark feminine, it have deterred women from activating their dark feminine energy so that they can live in an empowered state.

What is the meaning of the Dark Feminine?

dark feminine meaning

The true meaning of the Dark Feminine is the energetic embodiment that enables women to maintain their individual identity and to preserve their well-being.

It is the aspect of the divine feminine that allows a woman to focus inward. It enables her to nurture and maintain an intimate relationship with herself. With this improved relationship with herself, she will gain more clarity on who she is, what she wants, and where she goes.

It is the Dark Feminine that allows a woman to set healthy boundaries, honor her rhythms and cycles, and to create and live her desired reality. Once a woman have embodied/started to embody her dark feminine energy, her path in life becomes clearer to her.

Compared to the light feminine, the role of the dark feminine is to serve the woman/feminine as an individual. Hence the use of the word “dark.” The use of the word “dark” indicates that it is an internal energy and focus. It is not in the “light,” so it is not seen or understood by others. Nor is it for others to see or understand it.

Dark feminine energy connects the woman to her intuition, her soul, her desires, and her authenticity – all of which will be found within: the “dark.” So what is the difference between the light feminine and the dark feminine?

Light Feminine vs Dark Feminine

light feminine dark feminine

It has been predominantly implied that it is better to be in your light feminine than in your dark feminine energy. However, the deep truth is that every woman needs to embody both these energies for her to activate her Divine Feminine Energy.

Having a healthy balance of both the light and dark feminine will afford us a beautiful, healthy, and fulfilling life. Too much of one of these energies can create disharmony, unbalance, and – in some cases – chaos in our lives.

Below is a list of SOME of the differences between the light feminine and the dark feminine:

Difference Between LIGHT and DARK Feminine

Light FeminineDark Feminine
This energy enables the feminine to focus on the outer world (her family, friends, relationships, and community)
This energy enables the feminine to focus on her inner world (intuition, authenticity, her desires, her relationship with Self.)
Compassionate Boundary Setting

Knowing when to step in and out of each energy, depending on the situation, will be a valuable life skill that will improve every woman’s life. There are many situations that will cause harm to a woman if she is only in her light feminine.

Too much LIGHT Feminine Energy:

For example, it is never ever wise to use compassion or to be accommodating when you are dealing with a predator. This would enable the predator’s actions and intentions, and cause harm to the woman. This is an example of how the light feminine, with no activated dark feminine energy, can cause harm to a woman and her life.

Too much DARK Feminine Energy:

The same is true for the dark feminine. If a woman is predominantly in her dark feminine energy, with no activated light feminine to balance it, she can isolate herself from receiving love and support from those who are offering it to her.

It is extremely important for a woman to be able to decipher which energy to tap into at any given moment. In some cases, it would require a blend of both at the same time.

This art is our responsibility to cultivate, and it will improve all areas of our lives.

Feminine Power Unlocked.

dark feminine traits

Now that we have explored the true meaning of the dark feminine, and the difference between it and the light feminine, we can now discuss how it can help us to unlock our feminine power.

A natural occurrence that will happen as a result of activating your dark feminine will be the unleashing of your feminine power.

Here are SOME examples of what it will look like when your feminine power is unlocked through the dark feminine.


  • You will gain autonomy over your reality and your daily life. While, naturally, you will still be sharing your time and energy with others, you will have activated your discernment on when, where, and how to share yourself. This will lead to fulfillment and avoid burning out.


  • You will become more in tuned with your creativity. This will also be the means through which you’re able to create and live your desired reality. This will also allow you to dive deep into your calling, and leave your mark into the world.


  • With an activated dark feminine, you gain the understanding of the importance and the power of your sensuality. Our sensuality fuels our creativity, the quality of our relationships, and our daily lives. Sensuality is a feminine power. Once a woman has a great relationship with her sensuality, she has great power over every area of her life.


  • An activated dark feminine energy within a woman gives her the will and the grit to take chances that align with her intentions and desires. The more you do something, the more confident you become in the doing of that thing. This is how the dark feminine activates confidence within a woman.

In order to fully understand your potential as a woman, it is important to acknowledge and embrace your dark feminine side. This may mean letting go of societal expectations and norms, and embracing the parts of yourself that have been repressed or suppressed.

This was a post about the true meaning of the Dark Feminine and How it unlocks your Feminine Power.

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