Divine Feminine Divine Masculine 101: Demystify and Remember Your Natural Magic

Divine feminine and divine masculine are within us from our birth. My little niece always displays fulfillment after she has created an outfit, drawing, or makeshift meal. She especially loved to share her singing and dancing with us.
My little nephews always want to hold the door open for me. One of them gave me $3 out of his piggy bank and was so pleased with himself. He began to bounce off the walls with happiness and pride when I said, “Awee! Thank you, baby!”
We came into this world already in the divine aspects of our dominant energy. If your dominant energy is feminine, you were already displaying interest in your beauty and the need and desire to nurture (having baby dolls).
Little ones with masculine dominant energy indicated their need to demonstrate their strength and want to protect and provide for others around them.
This is what the divine feminine and divine masculine is. It is pure joy, fulfillment, and pride to be in your natural and raw femininity or masculinity.
In this post, we will demystify and simplify the concept of the divine aspects of feminine and masculine energies. As a result, we can implement these principles into our lives and begin living in our natural divinity.
The Divine Aspects of Femininity and Masculinity
The divine aspects of feminine and masculine energy are simpler than we think. The word “divine” can feel intimidating and out of reach, but the truth is we are ALL inherently divine beings.
Divinity is not separate from us. It is not something we need to earn, achieve, or seek and find. All we need is to remember it and we can do that by removing all the things that separate us from it. Debunk the ideas and perceptions that gave us the illusion that divinity is not within us.
Use the table of contents below to jump to a section:
What is “Divine?”

Divine means, “of, relating to, or being god.” It can also refer to “being set apart from the ordinary and worthy of veneration because of its association with god.”
Just this definition on its own will make you feel intimidated. But there isn’t any need to feel that way.
If you are a religious person this may feel like blasphemy, but most religions teach us that we are children of god. If that is the case, then we will naturally have aspects of our father/creator. So we are, by religious definition, divine.
If you are a spiritual person – meaning you do not necessarily subscribe to religion but believe in divinity – then I think you will feel more comfortable with this idea.
Simplifying our Divinity
If we are children of God, then we must be gods and goddesses. Just as children will naturally take on traits of their parents, including their father’s name.
It is also evident in those born into royalty. If you are a child of a king or queen, you automatically get the title of prince or princess. Which indicates lineage and connection to each other.
Therefore, if God is a divine being, and we are creations/children of God, then we are divine beings too. Why wouldn’t we be?
Logical Explanation of Our Divinity
Let’s consider the natural magic and genius construction of our bodies, our minds, and our emotions.
If you allow yourself to observe the simple and natural magic of your physiological and biological make-up, you can see and feel your divinity.
The way our hearts beat day in and day out to pump blood throughout our veins. To sustain our life force energy that keeps us alive, energetic, and healthy.
The instinct of our bodies to shudder when we feel cold with the intent to warm it up. And to cool down our bodies when it feels hot, it sweats. These also demonstrates our natural magic.
These natural reactions occur in our bodies, in addition to many more, daily. We don’t have to deliberately and consciously do so. We don’t have to remember to keep our hearts beating. It just does. Our bodies have their simple everyday magic.
Divine Feminine

Since “divine” means ‘relating to, or being god,‘ and “feminine” means ‘having an appearance and qualities traditionally associated with women,‘ then we can describe “Divine Feminine” to be “the godlike expression of qualities and appearances that are traditionally associated with women/girls”
It is not a completely different form of femininity. It is an amplified version representing the divine, or the god-like, version of feminine energy.
In simpler terms:
Divine Feminine is the display and expression of femininity that feels magical, ethereal, celestial, and enchanting. It is femininity that looks and feels divine.
I like to think of the divine feminine as the way God would be if he came to earth as a human female. How would god display his love, beauty, receptivity, and nurturing as a human feminine being?
The divine feminine is the female expression of God in human form. The simplicity of this concept is that God, or what we consider to be God, is a loving being that is present in all.
The difficulty of it is that we are generally confused about what God is and what it represents.
This is what causes the paradoxical nature of the divine feminine. It is simple in intent, yet difficult to grasp and identify. Let us briefly cover femininity so that we can dive into the magic of divine femininity.

Before we explore the simple magic of the divine feminine, let’s briefly cover femininity. If you want a more in-depth read of feminine energy, then see this blog post here.
In short, femininity is frequently demonstrated through these qualities and traits:
- Soft
- Receptive
- Flexible
- Cyclical
- Creative
- Beauty
- Sensual
- Playful
- Nurturing
- etc
These qualities are indicators of feminine energy because they are consistently expressed and embodied by women and girls across all cultures, generations, and times.
Feminine characteristics are time-tested and are proven to generate reciprocal responses from masculine energy.
Difference between ‘FEMININE’ and ‘DIVINE FEMININE’
- Femininity and divine femininity are the same things, however, there is a slight variance between them. The divine feminine is a more amplified version of femininity. It is the god-like aspect of femininity.
- If god, or the divine, were to come on earth and be in human form as a woman, how would ” god ” show up as a woman? What would god’s nurturing be like? Let’s explore this idea.
- For example, feminine women know how to nurture with ease. Whether it is her dominant disposition or not, it doesn’t matter. When the time for nurturing is eminent, she knows how and when to activate and lead with that energy.
- The divine feminine on the other hand adds magic when she is in a state of nurturing. When the divine feminine nurtures another, she does it from a place of divine knowing and intention – like how we may imagine God would nurture us.
- She nurtures with the knowledge that the other is divine, capable, and has free will. Feminine nurturing is loving and enabling while divine feminine nurturing is loving and empowering.
- For example, feminine women know how to nurture with ease. Whether it is her dominant disposition or not, it doesn’t matter. When the time for nurturing is eminent, she knows how and when to activate and lead with that energy.
Femininity vs Divine Femininity
Below is a table that describes how feminine traits are slightly different when expressed through femininity vs. divine femininity. It indicates the medium through which each category expresses feminine traits.
Soft | passive | surrender |
Receptive | Open-minded | allowing |
Flexible | Adaptable | Flow |
Beauty | Physical | Physical and/or Radiating aura |
Sensual | sexy and seductive | sexy, seductive, enchanting, and captivating |
Playful | fun-loving | light-hearted |
Nurturing | loving & ENABLING | loving & EMPOWERING |
Even though the differences are minimal and slight, their effects are profound. A woman in her divine femininity will live a completely different life than a woman who is just feminine.
- For example, when a feminine woman nurtures, she uses love and enabling. This can look like a mother who continuously picks up her toddler’s toys when he leaves them scattered on the floor daily (enabling).
- The woman in her divine femininity will nurture her toddler using love and empowerment. Instead of picking up after him, she will encourage him to pick up his toys and place them in their designated area daily until it becomes a habit. (empowering)
This is a perfect example of how being in your divine feminine can bring ease into your life. The mother in her regular feminine will be expending more energy picking up her child’s toys day after day.
But the mother in her divine feminine energy empowers her child to pick up after himself. This gives her peace of mind and encourages the child to be a capable and responsible individual sooner rather than later.
How to be in your”Divine Feminine”
The list below includes tips on how to activate your divine feminine. To read a more in-depth explanation of these tips, see this blog post here on Divine Feminine Awakening/Activation.
How to reactivate your divine femininity:
- See the value and power in your femininity and being a woman
- Enjoy the pleasures and benefits of your womanhood
- Utilize the benefits of your femininity.
- Accept your humanity and integrate it with your divinity
- Honor and utilize both your light and dark feminine aspects.
- Appreciate and honor the divine masculine and masculine.
Results of Activated Divine Femininity

- The divine feminine is a state of authentic self-awareness and self-acceptance. It enables a woman to have genuine love and respect for herself and makes her aware of the benefits and leverage she has as a woman.
- She understands the innate power and value of being a feminine/female being. When a woman accepts her natural magic and allows herself to live in that state of being, she taps into her divinity.
- She lives in her femininity because it genuinely feels good to her. There is no war inside of her. She loves being a woman, she enjoys embodying the common traits and characteristics. She just is. She IS feminine, and she thrives in it.
- Her presence and interactions become healing, fulfilling, inspiring, and magical. She is in her femininity in a way that god would.
- If god was a female human, how would his nurturing be? how would his creativity feel and look like? It will all be and feel divine. You feel and see the god-ness and the divine in what she does.
- The divine feminine is adding that god-likeness to femininity
The divine feminine can transmute any situation. For example, If a room is tense and awkward, the divine feminine woman can add ease and levity to the vibe of the room.
The Simple Magic of the Divine Feminine
The divine feminine is regular femininity with a splash of divinity infused in it.

When a woman is in her divine feminine, it means that she has embodied the common feminine traits (listed above) to the point that it goes beyond performance. It instead becomes a duty and an honor to be a feminine being.
The secret to being in your divine feminine is understanding the power and value your femininity brings to the world and the masculine. And to feel genuine and authentic joy and pleasure in your femininity.
This embodiment is what makes a woman exude divine feminine energy and gives us goddess energy in human form.
This is the simplicity of the divine feminine. The difficulty is not being able to conceive the power, value, joy, and pleasure of femininity because of all the conditioning we have had to endure throughout time.
Divine Masculine

I won’t pretend to know enough about divine masculinity, as I am a woman and a feminine being. But I can speak to it from the context of being a feminine counterpart. So this section will not be as meaty as the divine feminine section.
When a man is in his divine masculine energy, he is in his god-like state. It is a paradox that is simple yet difficult to understand and grasp.
The divine masculine provides, protects, and guides NO MATTER WHAT!
He understands and embodies his intrinsic role as a provider, protector, and guide. And he loves and enjoys it too. This is the key! Of course, there are variances from man to man.
The divine masculine adds a god-likeness to masculinity. A major sign that a man is in his divine masculine state is that you automatically feel safe and stable in his presence. Worries go out the window and peace of mind reigns.
A man in his divine masculine is immovable in his manhood. If they are ever in a situation or environment where their masculinity cannot be reciprocated, they don’t compromise their divinity or their masculinity. Instead, they remove themselves to honor their truth and authenticity.
Naturally Divine

For the divine masculine, it is an honor to be masculine. They take great pride in their masculinity. You can even witness this in little toddler boys who came to this life to be in their masculine energy.
Before social conditioning has set into their state of being, you can see them showing signs of wanting to provide, protect, build, guide, demonstrate strength and agility, etc. They can’t help it because they are inherently divine masculine.
For example, my little 7-year-old nephew always attempts to hold the door open for me and his mom whenever we enter or exit a building.
His little brother once decided to give me $3 from his piggy bank and was so pleased with himself. He bounced off the wall with happiness and pride when I said “Thank you, baby!”
He was then ready to empty his piggy bank on my lap once I acknowledged his gesture with appreciation and love.
This speaks to how masculinity is not necessarily taught, it is innate – and this is what makes it divine.
Regular masculinity, on the other hand, is expressed by coping with trauma, confusion, and fear that men have faced throughout their lives. This is the difference between regular masculinity and divine masculinity.
Difference between Masculine and Divine Masculine

The difference between masculinity and divine masculinity is the level of insecurity and fear a man holds in relationship to his nature.
Before we dive deeper into this concept, let’s go over the common traits associated with the masculine.
Common masculine traits are:
- Logical
- Active
- Assertive
- Physical Strength
- Giving
- Protective
- Hard
- Fixed
- etc
A masculine man will inhabit a predominant amount of these traits. However, these traits will take on different manifestations depending on whether the person is in his divine masculine or just his masculinity.
As stated before, the difference between masculinity and divine masculinity is the level of fear, confusion, and trauma within a masculine being.
This can look like him wanting to protect his heart from being broken, and so will aim to resist his provider and protector instinct with women. Or at the very least he will try to limit it. He adjusts his divine masculinity as a coping mechanism for the fear of being hurt.
He is still very much a man, and very much a masculine being but he is at war with himself and so is unable to show up in his god-like state.
If a man doubts his masculinity, he will try to overcompensate for his “lack of manliness” by inflating common traits and characteristics.
- For example, when expressing the assertive trait, the masculine man may be forceful and imposing on another when expressing this trait.
- While the man who is in his divine masculine will express assertiveness through self-confidence or being protective of the vulnerable.
“Every man needs a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue”
John Eldredge, Wild at Heart
The Interconnectedness of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Polarity

There are many ways to identify one’s level of embodiment in their femininity and masculinity. One of the major ways to identify this level of embodiment is to see the interaction between masculine and feminine energy.
How does the feminine interact when communicating with the masculine? How does the masculine hold himself when interacting with the feminine?
When these two energies come together, their respective common traits are amplified. The feminine becomes more receptive and vulnerable when she is in the masculine container, and the masculine becomes more protective and present when holding space for the feminine.
This is, of course, based on the two parties having a healthy relationship with their masculinity and femininity.
Opposites Attract

There are many examples of this in nature and our everyday reality. Some of the examples we all know are:
- Sockets (female) and Plugs (male)
- Vagina (female) and Penis (male)
- Magnetic poles (north and south)
- Feminine and masculine
Even though the elements listed above have different natures, they are attracted to one another because they complement each other.
Sockets are bolted to the wall and they have holes, and plugs are attached to an electrical device and they have 2-3 pins. They are complementary because they are made to be used together. When they are used together, they produce a functional effect.
The same is true for the genitals of males and females, magnets of opposite poles, and masculine and feminine energies.
This concept helps us to understand the attraction between masculine and feminine energies.
Harmony of the Feminine and the Masculine

The most obvious examples of opposites attract in this context are the feminine and the masculine.
The Feminine’s instinct to receive is opposite to the masculine’s nature to give, but they complement each other because ‘receiving’ has to happen for ‘giving’ to take place.
Therefore, the value and importance of understanding the intrinsic strengths and weaknesses of each energy leads to the balance and harmony of social interactions between the two.
Honor the energy of our polar opposite (the masculine)

“The rise of the Divine Feminine does not have to be at the expense of the Sacred Masculine. It is about the complete respect of the differences that the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine bring to a physical and spiritual union.”
- This quote encourages women to honor their unique feminine strengths and avoid going to war with their masculine counterparts.
- We have been somewhat conditioned to hate the masculine, while inadvertently trying to out-man them to gain equality, and in some cases power.
- While this manifestation is, and understandably, a result of the era of the suppressed woman, it has now created animosity between the genders. This hatred, I think, is causing more harm than good.
- This quote is a gentle reminder to see and accept the value of both the masculine and the feminine because our differences contribute to a healthy whole.
- The masculine is not our enemy; they are our supporters, protectors, and providers in this earthly realm.
- Their healthy masculine presence allows us to rest in our femininity because they make us feel safe and supported.
- Because of their healthy support, we don’t have to worry about our basic needs, and we can focus on resting in our femininity.
- Their healthy masculine presence allows us to rest in our femininity because they make us feel safe and supported.
To be in your divine feminine state, you will inevitably appreciate the divine masculine. And the same goes for the divine masculine. Those in their divine masculine state love and appreciate the divine feminine.
This can also be used as a sign of whether or not you are in your divine state.

Being in our divine state enables us to love and appreciate ourselves and our opposites. This means that if you are in your divine feminine state, you automatically have love and respect for your masculine counterpart. The same is true for the masculine
The difference between femininity and divine femininity (as well as masculinity and divine masculinity) is the level of fear/confidence, clarity/confusion, thriving/surviving one has with their femininity (or masculinity)
Our divinity is our birthright. It is not something we have to strive to become. We need to re-embody it. Being disconnected from our innate divinity is a result of social conditioning, trauma, and coping that have taken place throughout our lifetime.
This is why this blog post was written. Use it as a guide to determine if you are disconnected from your divinity. If you notice you are disconnected from your divinity, use the links below as helpful resources.
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